Kint settings reference
These are global Kint settings.
There is no specific configuration format, just set the values in PHP. You can best do this in your front controller whether it’s a bootstrap file, composer autoloader, or an application object (Such as in symfony and laravel)
Kint settings
These are technically on Kint\Kint
but it’s aliased to the root namespace for convenience.
Kint::$enabled_mode |
Determines what mode Kint will run in. true is automatic. false is disabled. Any of the keys to Kint::$renderers to select a specific mode. You should disable Kint in production, or only enable it per $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . Default true |
Kint::$mode_default |
The mode to select automatically when $enabled_mode is true. Default Kint::MODE_RICH |
Kint::$mode_default_cli |
The mode to select automatically when $enabled_mode and $cli_detection are true. Default Kint::MODE_CLI |
Kint::$cli_detection |
Whether to detect if it’s being run in a CLI and adjust the renderer. Default true |
Kint::$app_root_dirs |
An array of paths to aliases. These will be replaced in the mini trace, backtraces, etc. Default maps $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to <ROOT> |
Kint::$file_link_format |
A format to link source code paths to. Default ini_get('xdebug.file_link_format') |
Kint::$return |
Whether to return or echo the output. Default false |
Kint::$depth_limit |
The maximum depth to parse. 0 for unlimited. Tweak this to balance performance and verbosity. Default 7 |
Kint::$expanded |
Whether to expand values by default. Default false |
Kint::$display_called_from |
Whether to display the called from (mini trace) information. Default true |
Kint::$aliases |
List of helper function aliases. Either string for a function name, or array of two strings for a static method. |
Kint::$renderers |
A map of render modes to renderers. Either class strings or instances. |
Kint::$plugins |
List of enabled plugins. Either class strings or instances. |
Other settings
Utils::$char_encodings |
A list of multibyte character encodings to try to identify to be passed to mb_detect_encoding . Default includes ASCII and UTF-8 |
Utils::$legacy_encodings |
A list of windows single-byte and other ambiguous encodings. If no multibyte encoding was detected Kint will assume the first matching legacy_encoding is correct. |
ColorRepresentation::$color_map |
A map of HTML color names to hex codes. |
Parser plugin settings
All parser plugins delivered with Kint are in the Kint\Parser
ArrayLimitPlugin::$trigger |
Maximum size of arrays before limiting output. Default 1000 |
ArrayLimitPlugin::$limit |
Maximum amount of items to show in a limited array. Default 50 |
ArrayLimitPlugin::$numeric_only |
Whether to only limit arrays without string keys. Default true |
Base64Plugin::$min_length_hard |
Minimum length before the binary parser will start. Default 16 |
Base64Plugin::$min_length_soft |
Minimum length before the binary representation will take precedence over the string representation. Default 50 |
BlacklistPlugin::$blacklist |
List of class strings to blacklist. |
BlacklistPlugin::$shallow_blacklist |
List of class strings to blacklist unless you dump it explicitly. This is great for heavy values that impact performance like DI containers. Default includes Psr\Container\ContainerInterface and Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface |
ClassHooksPlugin::$verbose |
Show method for all properties with hooks, not just the ones with docstrings. Default false |
ClassStringsPlugin::$blacklist |
List of strings to ignore before looking for matching class names. |
DOMDocumentPlugin::$blacklist |
DOMNode properties to skip parsing. This is here because the DOMDocument system can introduce a huge amount of recursion. |
DOMDocumentPlugin::$verbose |
Show methods and properties. Default false |
DomPlugin::$blacklist |
Properties to skip parsing. This is here because the Dom can introduce a huge amount of recursion. |
DomPlugin::$verbose |
Show methods and properties. Default false |
FsPathPlugin::$blacklist |
List of paths to ignore. Default includes / and . |
IteratorPlugin::$blacklist |
Classes to prevent iterating over. Default includes Dom\NamedNodeMap , Dom\NodeList , DOMNamedNodeMap , DOMNodeList , mysqli_result , PDOStatement , SimpleXMLElement , SplFileObject |
SerializePlugin::$safe_mode |
Only allow unserialization of scalars. Default true |
SerializePlugin::$allowed_classes |
Allowed classes to unserialize. An array of class strings or false for none. Default false |
SimpleXMLElementPlugin::$verbose |
Show methods. Default false |
TablePlugin::$max_width |
Maximum number of columns in table. Default 300 |
TablePlugin::$min_width |
Minimum number of columns in table. Default 2 |
TimestampPlugin::$blacklist |
Integers to ignore. Default includes common integers like PHP_INT_MAX |
ToStringPlugin::$blacklist |
Objects to ignore. Default includes SimpleXMLElement , SplFileInfo |
TracePlugin::$blacklist |
Function calls to skip. A string for a function, or an array of class name and method name. Default includes spl_autoload_call |
TracePlugin::$path_blacklist |
Paths to skip. Any frame from a file starting with one of these will be skipped. |
XmlPlugin::$parse_method |
One of SimpleXML , DOMDocument , or XMLDocument . XMLDocument is PHP8.4+. Default SimpleXML |
Renderer settings
AbstractRenderer::$js_nonce |
A nonce attribute for the script tag for CSP, or null to disable. Default null |
AbstractRenderer::$css_nonce |
A nonce attribute for the style tag for CSP, or null to disable. Default null |
Rich renderer settings
RichRenderer::$theme |
Which theme to use. One of the CSS files from resources/compiled/ or the full path to a CSS file. Default original.css |
RichRenderer::$value_plugins |
List of rich renderer value plugins |
RichRenderer::$tab_plugins |
List of rich renderer tab plugins |
RichRenderer::$pre_render_sources |
Array of arrays. Keys script style and raw are arrays of strings or callables returning strings. script and style will be placed in tags with nonces for CSP, while raw will be output as-is. |
RichRenderer::$strlen_max |
The maximum length of text to show in the bar. 0 to disable. Default 80 |
RichRenderer::$timestamp |
Timestamp to print in footer in date() format. Default null |
RichRenderer::$access_paths |
Enable or disable the showing of access paths. Default true |
RichRenderer::$escape_types |
Enable or disable the escaping of types. Enabling will hurt performance, but allow you to use unicode text on non-utf8 web pages. Default false |
RichRenderer::$folder |
Place dump in folder automatically. Default false |
RichRenderer::$needs_pre_render |
Whether to render CSS and JS on the next dump. Default true before first dump. |
RichRenderer::$always_pre_render |
Whether to render CSS and JS on every dump. Default false |
Text renderer settings
TextRenderer::$plugins |
List of text renderer plugins. |
TextRenderer::$parser_plugin_whitelist |
List of whitelisted parser plugins. Any parser plugins not in this whitelist will not be added to the parser for performance reasons, and because their output isn’t used in the text renderer. |
TextRenderer::$strlen_max |
The maximum length of text. 0 to disable. Default 0 |
TextRenderer::$timestamp |
Timestamp to print in footer in date() format. Default null |
TextRenderer::$default_width |
The default width of header and footer decorations. Default 80 |
TextRenderer::$default_indent |
The indentation level in spaces. Default 4 |
TextRenderer::$decorations |
Whether to render decorations around the header and footer. Default true |
inherits from TextRenderer
PlainRenderer::$theme |
Which theme to use. One of the CSS files from resources/compiled/ if using composer, or the full path to a CSS file. Default plain.css |
PlainRenderer::$pre_render_sources |
List of callables to execute or strings to render before initial render. See also RichRenderer::$pre_render_sources |
PlainRenderer::$disable_utf8 |
Whether to disable the utf-8 parts of the decorations and use htmlentities instead. Vastly increases output size. If your web page isn’t in utf-8, set this to true . Default false |
PlainRenderer::$needs_pre_render |
Whether to render CSS and JS on the next dump. Default true before first dump. |
PlainRenderer::$always_pre_render |
Whether to render CSS and JS on every dump. Default false |
inherits from TextRenderer
CliRenderer::$cli_colors |
Whether to print color codes. Default true |
CliRenderer::$detect_width |
Whether to detect the terminal width on startup and adjust the header and footer widths accordingly. Default true |
CliRenderer::$min_terminal_width |
What minimum width must we detect before using the default instead. Default 40 |
CliRenderer::$force_utf8 |
Whether to force default utf-8 output on older versions of windows. Default false |
CliRenderer::$windows_stream |
Which stream to detect VT100 support with. Default STDOUT |
Renderer plugin settings
BinaryPlugin::$line_length |
The amount of bytes per line of output. Default 0x10 |
BinaryPlugin::$chunk_length |
The amount of bytes per chunk of output. Default 0x2 |
TablePlugin::$respect_str_length |
Whether the cells of the table should respect RichRenderer::$strlen_max . Default true |